Outdoor Lighting
Illuminate your World!
Bring out the natural beauty of your home and landscape at night with our outdoor modern lighting. Extend your outdoor living area into the evening hours with low-voltage outdoor lighting. Choose from many different styles, types, and manufacturers to complete your outdoor experience. The other side of landscape lighting is the side of security for you and your family. A well lit home is a very strong deterrent for any would-be burglar or trespasser. With minimal operating costs and updated transformers with timers, low voltage landscape lighting can keep you and your family safer at night.
Seemingly, every new year brings out new lighting fixtures and designs. We always shop the best quality and asthetic brands, types and style lighting for our clients. From security concerns and relaxation lighting to modern lighting designs and custom creations, Modern Landscaping’s qualified and well-trained professionals take great care in designing and installing the most exciting and practical evening lighting for your property.
Call today for your custom quote.

Landscaping Contractors, Easton MA
Serving Eastern Massachusetts for 50 Years
(508) 238-0562
Modern Landscaping Inc.
328 Main Street, No. Easton, MA. 02356